Monday, September 12, 2022

Can you solve this week's puzzler?

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This Week's Puzzler

Electric Mystery

Here's a new puzzler for you all.

Long before there was fuel injection, cars had carburetors back in the day. Long, long ago... And most carburetors got their fuel from a fuel pump that was mounted somewhere on the engine and would suck gasoline out of the tank and pump it to the carburetor. It was called a mechanical fuel pump, right? That was the way things used to be. You all might not even remember this. 

But even back then, there were some manufacturers that began putting an electric fuel pump directly in the fuel tank.

So there are a few parts to this puzzler. Hold on tight. 

Obviously, we're trying to figure out why this choice was made. Instead of using a mechanically driven pump, like they'd been using for millennia, these manufacturers chose to put in an electric pump. So the first question is why electric? And then, the second question is, why put it in the gas tank? 

Why did certain manufacturers deem it necessary to put an electric fuel pump in the gas tank of certain cars?

At first glance, it seems kind of a dangerous move, right? To put an electric fuel pump directly in the gas tank. 

And the last part of the puzzler is, how come the car doesn't blow up? 

Good luck!

Answer the Puzzler »
Remember last week's puzzler?

The Essence of Brevity

This puzzler is the essence of brevity.

We will just get right into it, no need to drag it out. Ready?

My son's father is your father's only child. What relative of yours am I?

That's it. That's the whole thing. This is sort of like the "Whose on first? Whose on third" type riddles. 

Brevity! Gotta love that part of it.

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Congratulations to this week's
puzzler winner:

John Heinz

Chester Springs, PA

Congratulations! This correct answer was chosen at random by our Web Lackeys.

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Friday, September 9, 2022

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My Favorite Audi Detailing & Car Cleaning Products

One of my high school jobs growing up was working at a car detailing shop – it was the toughest job I ever had, but it was awesome to see just how much of a difference the right products & 5-8 hours of your time can make on even the most neglected cars. Ever since ...
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Thursday, September 8, 2022

Can you solve this week's puzzler?

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This Week's Puzzler

The Essence of Brevity

This puzzler is the essence of brevity.

We will just get right into it, no need to drag it out. Ready?

My son's father is your father's only child. What relative of yours am I?

That's it. That's the whole thing. This is sort of like the "Whose on first? Whose on third" type riddles. 

Brevity! Gotta love that part of it.

Answer the Puzzler »
Remember last week's puzzler?

The Phantom Wet Spot

This puzzler comes from a listener in Plano, Texas. And I'm just gonna read it as he sent it. Here it is, in its grueling entirety... Kidding! It is pretty brief. But it is a good one!

He said, "I was working a little late in my office building one summer afternoon, although I couldn't see outside from where I was working. I heard thunder and figured it might be raining. When I left the building, I noticed my car had beads of water and there were a few wet spots around so there had been a light rain. It clearly hadn't rained much because it did not cool the air and the sun was shining again. As I was unlocking the door of my car, I noticed a wet spot in the space next to me. The space was empty, as were many parking spaces since most people that are already left. The thing I noticed was that the wet spot exactly fit the outline of a car. I started driving home but my mind was working on that wet spot. It seemed backwards somehow. If a car was sitting in the parking space when the rain came and was moved after the rain stopped, one would expect a dry spot. Not a wet spot. It would be a dry spot in the middle of surrounding wetness. But I had seen a wet spot in the middle of a surrounding dryness!"

So that is the whole thing. That is all you have to go on.

What was it that happened here?

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Congratulations to this week's
puzzler winner:

Jim Peterson

Congratulations! This correct answer was chosen at random by our Web Lackeys.

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