Monday, January 30, 2023

Can you solve this week's puzzler?

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This Week's Puzzler

The Aspirins and the Thermostat

It is finally time for the new puzzler! After quite a long break. We finally have a new one. This is good.

This is challenging and interesting, folkloric and historical if you will. Historical because it's from the past, basically. 

We are bringing this one out from the Crusty Files. We are resurrecting this one. 

For those of you that don't know, Crusty was our employee at the shop in the early to mid-1970s. So, a long time ago now. When he first came to work with us, he was a rather methodical, organized fellow. When he came to work that first day, he brought with him two huge toolboxes and put them on either side of his workbench. And then, he hung up all his calendars filled with pretty girls, as they all had back then. And his own coffee maker. All that stuff. 

And I noticed that when he set up his tools, on the bench was a large bottle of aspirin. And I thought, either this guy gets a lot of headaches, or he creates a lot of headaches. And over the next few months, the level of the aspirins in this big bottle kept going down, but I never saw him take any himself. 

So one day, I was observing him at his work, to make sure he was doing a good job. He was replacing a thermostat in a customer's cooling system for one of our cars. I saw him take two aspirins from the bottle. And then I watched as he seemed to be somehow placing these two aspirins in the thermostat.  The thermostat is a spring-loaded device which when the thing heats up, the spring gets compressed and allows water to flow from the engine to the radiator. So, here was Crusty. He was putting two aspirin in the thermostat and then he proceeded to put the thermostat in the engine. 

I watched him do this. And I was so puzzled by this. And I thought, "If I ever figure out what he is doing, this will be a great puzzler!"

So here it is.

What was Crusty doing with the aspirins and the thermostat?

Good luck!

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Saturday, January 28, 2023

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One of my high school jobs growing up was working at a car detailing shop – it was the toughest job I ever had, but it was awesome to see just how much of a difference the right products & 5-8 hours of your time can make on even the most neglected cars. Ever since ...
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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Can you solve this week's puzzler?

Folkloric, historic and occasionally sophomoric
Folkloric, historic and occasionally sophomoric
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This Week's Puzzler

Season's Greetings from Car Talk Plaza!

Hello friends! The Puzzler is taking short break, but we'll be back in the new year with more historic, folkloric, and occasionally sophomoric puzzlers!
Now, without further ado, the answer to the most recent puzzler!

An Old, Old Puzzler

Time for the new puzzler. Well, the new old puzzler. This one is from a while ago. It is very old. But still good! Here goes.

A fellow enters a subway station in our fair city. 

He bounded down the stairs.

And in the subway station is a woman in the little booth dispensing subway tokens which cost 40 cents a piece. 40 cents! Yeah, this is an old puzzle. 

Tokens then were 40 cents a piece, if you can believe it.

The man hands the woman behind the window one dollar. There are no words spoken. No words are spoken at all because the man can't speak. He is deaf. 

Without words being spoken and without any hand signs or signaling, the woman dispensing the tickets, the attendant, hands back to the man two tokens, and 20 cents change.

The question is, how did she know the man wanted two tokens?

And remember, no words were spoken, no sign language was used, and he had no companion at that time.

How did the token attendant know to sell him two tokens and give him 20 cents change for his dollar?

Find out here »
Congratulations to this week's
puzzler winner:

Dan Horne
Chesapeake, VA

Congratulations! This correct answer was chosen at random by our Web Lackeys.
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