New puzzler time. Although these are more like little puzzlets. Short little puzzlets this time. Very easy.
This is about the time kids have spring break I think. So this is for them. For kids, or for people who are just not very good at regular puzzlers.
Here we go.
Puzzler #1. A man, a wanderer, is walking along the railroad tracks. He is a bit of a scamp. Doesn't have anywhere to go. He has his backpack on his back. He sees a passenger train speeding towards him at a very high speed. Now, he is walking on the track, between the two rails. And he realized that he is going to be hit by this train. So, he jumps off the track, as anyone would do. But before he jumps off the track, he runs 10 feet forward, toward the train. Now, why would he do this?
Puzzler #2. Okay, here it is. Two mechanics are standing in front of a repair shop. They are just standing there, waiting around. One is a very large, husky mechanic. And the other one is a very small, skinny mechanic. Now, the little skinny one is the big husky one's son. But the big husky one is not the little skinny one's father. How can that be?
Very simple, easy ones this week! So, I won't say good luck, because you don't need any.