A Simple Puzzlah
This is a simple puzzler and you don't have to know much about cars.
Okay, here it is. When we ask people to send in information or answers, we ask them to send them in on the back of a $20 bill, right? We always say, "Write your answer on the back of a $20 bill." Well, this puzzler has to do with the back of a $10 bill. The old $10 bill.
On the back of the old-style $10 bill is a representation of the United States Treasury Building in our fair city of Washington, D.C. In front of that building, there is a car. You can't tell if it's parked or moving, but it is a car. The question is this.
What kind of car is it? What year and make of car, is it?
And here is a hint. Anyone who was looking at the back of a new $10 bill right now, is not seeing a car. They removed it in the new design. But in the old design, there is a car in the street. And this car is way more than 50 years old.
So, that's it! Simple, easy, straightforward.
It is a very simple question. Good luck!